By Lindsay Hewson
Bamboo Facts
Bamboo is often called a super plant because it is fast growing and needs little maintenance, it's a naturally renewable tree-like grass, doesn’t need any pesticides or herbicides and needs very little water to grow.

Bamboo is an incredible plant that can do wonders for our environment. It produces 35% more oxygen than trees and research has shown it to absorb as much as 12 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare each year!
There are over 1,575 different species of bamboo in existence.
We have been eating bamboo for thousands of years. Often seen in Asian dishes, bamboo shoots are healthy providing a good source of fibre and potassium.
In South-East Asia Bamboo is commonly used as scaffolding, props, and to build huts and houses. This is because bamboo is incredibly strong; even stronger than steel!
Bamboo also grows incredibly fast, sometimes at a rate of 3 feet (90cm) per day. It only takes 1 to 5 years to grow to full maturity, compared to a tree that takes 10-20 years.
Bamboo is one of the most sustainable materials on Earth, it can grow back from its own roots without needing to be replanted. Not only is this great from a renewable perspective, but this also means that the soil and roots aren’t disturbed, which is great for soil health. Soil improvement helps with water absorption, as well as aiding in the prevention of soil erosion.
Producing bamboo also takes less energy than other resources such as wood or steel.
Unlike plastic which never decays, bamboo decomposes into organic matter and enriches the soil. One great thing about bamboo is how easily it composts once it is no longer useful.
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